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000069_nobody_Thu Aug 12 14:35:45 1999.msg
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Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 14:34:58 -0400
To: amos-list@onelist.com
From: "Andy \"Mushroom\" Kellett" <mushypd@redrose.net>
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Subject: [amos-list] F1 Software
Status: O
From: "Andy \"Mushroom\" Kellett" <mushypd@redrose.net>
For those of you who haven't heard just yet, I purchased F1 Software, 5th
Dimension licenseware, and all of Phil's other Amiga pieces and copyrights
whilst I was in the last stages of my trip to England.
Later on today, I will be releasing a large(ish) press release regarding
the whole matter, so you can read about a lot more stuff there. The URL
will be http://www.mushy-pd.demon.co.uk/f1purchase.html for those
interested, it should be up later today.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I would like to introduce a lot more
software into the library, and that's why im mailing here first. All of my
current best-selling titles have been written in AMOS, and are currently
making their programmers a lot of money. I know that there are a lot of you
here on the list writing new games, utilities and internet app's, and if
some of you are interested in making a lot of royalties from your work,
then email me and talk to me. I would like to see a working version of your
program. I strongly beleive in AMOS as most of you know, and would still
like to see a lot of good quality games written in it.
If anyone has any questions or queriers, feel free to email me at
mushypd@redrose.net. If you know anyone interested in getting their work
published who isn't on this list, then forward this mail to them. Thanks.
Andy Kellett
Operator/Owner F1 Software and 5th Dimension Licenseware
F1 Software - The Largest Amiga Licenseware Company in the Universe!!
Call us today to order titles or request a free catalogue.
F1 Webpage: http://www.mushy-pd.demon.co.uk
FTP: ftp://mushypd.dynip.com/pub/amiga/
Contact: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Tel. (717) 367-6210
ICQ #9701389 (Mush) AOL IM - FishGuy876
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